I'll be the release manager for Tails 1.2, scheduled to be released on
Here's the preliminary release schedule:
2014-09-28 Feature freeze
2014-09-29 Tag 1.2-rc1 in Git
Build and upload 1.2-rc1 ISO/IUKs
2014-09-30 Test 1.2-rc1
2014-10-01 Release 1.2-rc1
2014-10-12 Firefox 31.2.0 ESR sources are available
Package and upload Firefox 31.2.0 ESR? Or use TBB?
Tag 1.2 in Git
Build and upload 1.2 ISO and IUKs
2014-10-13 Test Tails 1.2
2014-10-14 Release Tails 1.2
Note that in the above, there's some uncertainty about how we'll deal
with our web browser, but it should not affect the schedule above for
any one else than me, since that work is on my plate.
Tails contributors, please let me know which of you are available for
testing the RC image and final image on 2014-09-30 and 2014-10-13,