[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Reminder: CFA for 34 NASP/GSSPS Ph.…

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Data: 2014-09-10 13:50 -000
Para: ML movimenti Bicocca
Assunto: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Reminder: CFA for 34 NASP/GSSPS Ph.D. Scholarships
> Reminder: CFA for 34 NASP/GSSPS Ph.D. Scholarships
> Gentile Professore, gentile Professoressa,
> si invia l'avviso della pubblicazione del Bando di Ammissione ai Dottorati interateneo afferenti al Network for the Advancement in Social and Political Studies (NASP) presso la Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences (GSSPS), con la preghiera di diffonderlo tra quanti ritiene possano essere interessati.
> Distinti saluti,
> Segreteria GSSPS
> The Calls for 34 NASP/GSSPS Ph.D. positions with scholarships
> Deadline for submitting your application is September 30th 2014
> Ph.D. in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies - ESLS Ph.D. - 13 Scholarships
> Ph.D. in Political Studies - POLS Ph.D. - 14 Scholarships
> Ph.D. in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research - SOMET Ph.D. - 7 Scholarships
> NASP involves a network of universities in Northern Italy: Brescia, Università Cattolica, Genova, Milano, Milano-Bicocca, Pavia, Piemonte Orientale and Torino. NASP is based at the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan (GSSPS).
> Ph.D. students will be admitted ONLY WITH SCHOLARSHIPS. Admission to Ph.D. Programmes is based on qualifications and interviews. The Ph.D. Programmes, fully taught in English, promote international exchanges with top European research institutions and offer quality teaching at international level. The beginning of teaching activities is scheduled in November 2014.
> Since the University of Milan is a Public University, applications must be submitted as the Official Call for Application prescribes, otherwise applications will not be considered valid.
> The Calls for Application are available in Italian and English. To see how to apply, the list of required documents, how to submit your application and for information on the selection procedures please check the following link:
> http://www.graduateschool.unimi.it/call_2014_2015.html
> GSSPS website main page:
> http://www.graduateschool.unimi.it/
> NASP/GSSPS Ph.D. Leaflet
> NASP/GSSPS Ph.D. Folder
> Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences
> Via Pace 10 - 20122 Milano (MI) - Italy
> tel: +39.02.50318985 | fax: +39.02.50318979
> http://www.graduateschool.unimi.it
> graduate.school@???
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