Re: [Tails-dev] Tails contributors meeting: Wednesday Septem…

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Autor: ihave2p
Dla: tails-dev
Temat: Re: [Tails-dev] Tails contributors meeting: Wednesday September 03 (sajolida)
You're welcome! Tails has irc2p ready by default in pidgin.

1) Start i2p router (Applications -> Internet -> i2p)
2) Start Pidgin -> Manage Accounts (change name too) -> Enable the account and 'add' -> Select 'Buddies' from the main window and
select 'Join a Chat' and join #tails-dev

In all honestly, I see no reason why anyone using Tails 1.1 should *not*
use i2p for irc2p because the security issues in 0.9.13 had nothing to
do with irc2p and was nothing more than an XSS related issue. Like any
XSS issue, as long as one doesn't click on any suspicious links from
users that they don't know while in irc, I don't foresee any problems.

Everyone is also welcome to download i2p and run their own instance on a
regular basis if they are able to do so. i2p is great: many great
features, anonymous irc, anonymous torrenting, anonymous email, etc. If
you'd like to setup your own instance of i2p and connect to irc2p
without Tails, or I can provide a brief HOWTO.

No matter the outcome, you'll always be welcome here! ;-)

Kind regards,