[Tails-dev] Building standard ISO images by default with Vag…


著者: intrigeri
To: The Tails public development discussion list
古いトピック: Re: [Tails-dev] Slower boot on experimental branch
題目: [Tails-dev] Building standard ISO images by default with Vagrant [Was: Slower boot on experimental branch]
sajolida@??? wrote (13 Aug 2014 16:34:49 GMT) :
> I also had a MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS = "-comp gzip" as environment
> variable from my .bashrc (I removed it) :(

Thanks for removing it!

Furthermore, I've always had in mind that it felt wrong to generate
non-standard ISO images by default (which is the cause in our Vagrant
setup right now, if I got it right). I think it should require the
developer who wants a gzip-compressed ISO to take a specific measure
when building. Anyone wanting to patch our Vagrant setup with this
in mind?