u wrote (16 Jul 2014 09:08:08 GMT) :
> If anybody plans to attend this conference, I'd be happy to get some
> feedback.
I'm in touch with Mickael Scherer (Cc'd) who was there.
Notes of the screenshot automation BoF were published. They are, well,
They use dogtail (
https://fedorahosted.org/dogtail/), which itself
"uses Accessibility (a11y) technologies to communicate with desktop
applications". We've already considered doing this (instead of
Sikuli). It has a least one downside (that's not exactly testing how
most users interact with the software), and at least two upsides (it
ensures accessibility technologies are properly supported, it's
cheaper than Sikuli as one doesn't have to maintain pictures).
They also use LDTP
We've invested quite a lot into our current Sikuli/Cucumber testing
infrastructure, but still, it would be good at some point to review
how other tools have evolved, what other projects use, and what would
be the blockers for us to transition.