[Tails-ux] Feedbacks from Fiodor [ was : greeter UX: advance…

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Auteur: tchou
À: tails-ux, Fiodor Tonti
Nouveaux-sujets: Re: [Tails-ux] Feedbacks from Fiodor [ was : greeter UX: advanced options ]
Sujet: [Tails-ux] Feedbacks from Fiodor [ was : greeter UX: advanced options ]


Some feedbacks from Fiodor, who's a member of the NUMA UX Team (Thanks
Fiodor !).

Current state of the Greeter is still there :

Ciao !

1st mail
-------- Message original --------
De : Fiodor Tonti <fiodor.tonti@???>

Congrats for the good progress on the greeter, very glad to see it taking

Here's some quick, non exhaustive, feedback:

Try to limit label text length.
Since you have determined that the place for detailed information is in the
"more info" links be consistent and shorten all text that can be reasonably
shortened to avoid cluttering your UI with a verbose legend.
An ideal UI should speak of its function through its own structure.


"Remember your localisation options unencrypted" could become "Remember
these options" or "Remember this".

Instead of ever-present hint at danger ("*unencrypted"*), display a
one-time contextual warning about the safety concerns, by doing this you
leverage user actions to inform him reactively about how his choices affect
the system. Layering information throughout the user flow and serving it in
a reactive behaviour also gives you better chances of the information being
actually noticed and absorbed.

"Unlock your persistent encrypted data and preferences" could simply become
"Allow local" with a one-time contextual info about encryption safety.

You may want to split your greeter process in a way that for each step the
user focuses on one choice using a smaller set of UI elements, currently in
the first screen you have:

- Three lists
- Two switches
- Four links
- Three buttons

A bit too many areas to focus your attention on.

I'm not sure the persistency options belong in this screen.
I don't know Tails well enough, but if it were a classic OS it would seem
reasonable to ask for a password at the beginning of the process and allow
the user to select/deselect options in the upcoming screens instead of
setting per-option password fields.

In general I feel that most labels and call to actions are too verbose and
that information could be more layered. We should probably sketch something
out together next time we meet.

To resume: perfection is when there is nothing left to take away :-)

Will be happy to continue discussing the subject on the next occasion.



2nd mail
-------- Message original --------
De : Fiodor Tonti <fiodor.tonti@???>

Sorry, some piece of text that went missing below:

> "Unlock your persistent encrypted data and preferences" could simply
> become "*Allow local*
> *​ data*​
> " with a one-time contextual info about encryption safety.

​I'm not sure what the best wording would be ("Allow saving", "Enable local
data" or else)​