Re: [Tails-dev] What to do about I2P in Tails?

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Lähettäjä: Kill Your TV
Kopio: The Tails public development discussion list
Aihe: Re: [Tails-dev] What to do about I2P in Tails?
On Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:02:18 +0000 (UTC)
intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:

> Hi,
> > On 7/26/14, sajolida@??? <sajolida@???> wrote:
> >> Regarding the "when", if we decide to do a first temporary step by
> >> having an "i2p" boot option instead of an option in the Greeter,
> >> then we don't have to wait for the new Greeter... It feels a bit
> >> like going backward regarding our plans on the Greeter but we've
> >> been doing that for truecrypt forever and the doc is ready...
> Agreed, this looks like a good short-term plan, thanks!
> >> That could be ready for Tails 1.1.1, no?
> Yes. I think all it takes is adapting the doc + writing a live-config
> hook that adds enable the needed credentials in sudoers, and makes the
> I2P launcher visible. Anyone willing to give it a try? I'd be happy to
> provide guidance and advice.

Looking at
config/chroot_local-includes/lib/live/config/2030-install-truecrypt it
seems like it would be pretty easy to do. The question I'd have is,
what would be an acceptable way to handling this?

Without the boot parameter:

- the wrapper (normally located at /usr/sbin/wrapper) could have some
sort of _disabled suffix and it'd be stashed away, perhaps somewhere
under /usr/share/amnesia with the permissions set to 000.
- the 'start I2P' menu entry and associated scripts would be removed.
- perhaps /usr/share/i2p would exist in a tarball somewhere
under /usr/share/amnesia.

With the boot parameter, all of this would be undone:

- the menu entry would be re-added.
- the java service wrapper would have the standard
755 permissions restored and it'd be moved into place
- the tarball could be extracted to /usr/share/i2p
and the start script would be put in place.

Does any of this mesh with what you (collectively) had in mind?

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