Szerző: intrigeri Dátum: Címzett: Clement Hermann \(nodens\), The Tails public development discussion list Tárgy: Re: [Tails-dev] Plans regarding Debian Jessie
[do you read the list, or shall we Cc' you? I do read the list.]
Clement Hermann (nodens) wrote (24 Jul 2014 16:22:25 GMT) : > I've stumbled upon this message and gave a look to #7429 and 7430. [...]
> Would it be possible to change my redmine account (nodens) so I can
> close requests ?
Done. In the future, please direct requests related to infrastructure
stuff and credentials to tails-sysadmins@??? instead -- thanks!
> I can't promise I will have a lot of time to work on Tails, but it would
> be nice to do my part, I really believe in the importance of this project.