OPEN CALL // BANDO film section
Deadline July 27, 2014
IV edition
in collaboration with
XVI edition
Alto Fest 2014 in collaboration with Napoli Film Festival, announces a competition for 3 or 5 filmmakers in residence.
ALTO FEST , conceived and directed by TeatrInGestAzione , is the International Festival of Performing Arts and Cross Interventions which takes place in domestic and private spaces donated by citizens. It aims to raise awareness of the territory to cultural renaissance , engaging citizens personally. They are asked to open to artists and audience the intimacy of their houses , their everyday workplace , the memory of the wineries, becoming promoters of a direct active culture in private spaces (apartments, terraces , patios , condos , shops ...) to GIVE SPACE TO A HUMAN/URBAN requalification. A process carried out by experimenting with innovative poetic , that aim to engage, together with the places, the system of relations that these places host.
The Festival is inserted in the urban innermost creating a real encounter between citizens and artists, focusing on innovation aesthetics , the essential requirement , for us , to build a new relationship between culture and social context.
Alto Fest questions about the need to radically reshape the relationship with the places , to subvert the use of space and allocation of fixed roles , daring incursions ( gender , discipline, responsibility , action ) never tempted ; and invites artists to enter into dialogue with this reflection, to decline its own definition of the concept of " regeneration " referring to his artistic project .
The Napolifilmfestival is a film festival founded in 1996 by the Associazione Culturale Napolicinema.
The primary objective was to promote cultural growth in a city and, more generally, in an area of the country, the South - historically poor in major cultural events - through knowledge, discussion and cultural exchange of international cinema .
Our invitation is open to filmmakers and video artists, both Italian and foreigners , pursuing innovative aesthetics , and nourishing cross visions of the way they create their own works.
Alto Fest offers from 3 to 5 residencies , for the creation and projection of a filmic work , minimum duration of 10 minutes, set exclusively in one of the places where the festival will be hosted. The content and format are free .
The works will be developed and completed during a creative residency September 13 / 21 - 2014; and delivered by September 22 - 2014 . The works will be before being inserted into the program of Alto Fest IV ed. – September 23 / 28 - 2014; and casted in the same place of residency. The works will also be presented at the opening of the Napoli Film Festival in 2014 and will compete for the selection of the best works that will be inserted in the program of the 41esimo Parallelo , the spin-off of the U.S. Napoli Film Festival New York, in fall.
The works will also be reported to the festivals that are part of CFCC – Coordinamento Festival Cinematografici Campania (Coordination of Campania Film Festivals)
Alto Fest gives artists selected :
- The domestic space of residence;
- Care of the relationships between artists and spaces donors ;
- Support for promotional work through all the information channels of the festival ;
- Free accommodation in a domestic context , at the Network Hospitable formed by citizens , friends and supporters ;
- An official letter of invitation to foreign artists and to anyone who has the opportunity to request a cover travel costs (not covered by the festival ) , through the cultural institutions of their own countries and / or alternative resources that need proven invitation.
The instrumentation and technical equipments are responsibility of the selected artists .
There is no support for anything that is not explicitly expressed in this announcement.
Napoli Film Festival will provide an advisory service and technical rescue , where it is needed , within the limits of their possibilities ; and a housing of the equipment in their private spaces .
To participate you must fill in all of its parts the online application form on the website
The selections are entrusted to a jury, consisting of the artistic direction of Alto Fest, one or more members of the Naples Film Festival, and the donors of the spaces of residence.
+39 320 0304861
for English
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