[Tails-dev] [review'n'merge:1.1] bugfix/7605-fix-emulator-pa…

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Autor: intrigeri
Data: 2014-07-18 13:12 -000
Para: tails-dev
Assunto: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge:1.1] bugfix/7605-fix-emulator-path

As reported on
and just reproduced myself on a fresh Wheezy installation, the
documented way to set up the automated test suite leads to
a non-functionning situation.

Fixed by bugfix/7605-fix-emulator-path. Details in the only commit
introduced by this branch. Assigned to anonym for 1.1, but it would be
great if someone (Alan?) has time to try and confirm that this indeed
fixes their test suite setup earlier.
