Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr] (review) Call for translations: Tails …

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Autor: Matsa
Datum: 2014-07-17 13:32 -000
To: tails-l10n
Alte Treads: Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr] Call for translations: Tails 1.1 (Wheezy, UEFI) documentation
Betreff: Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr] (review) Call for translations: Tails 1.1 (Wheezy, UEFI) documentation

Matsa <matsa@???> a écrit :

> Seb35 <seb35wikipedia@???> a écrit :
> > Reviewed. Please pull from seb35/translation. Thanks! ~ Seb35
> Thanks!
> I'm doing some more translations right now, if you want to
> participate, join me on IRC. Else, stay tuned for the review!

So, here are the new translations pending for review:

* 3bf59a3 - [fr] Translaions for 1.1 (part 5)
* 8fe3318 - [fr] Translation for 1.1 (part 4)
* 8475e4d - [en] tiny fix
* cba4e02 - [fr] translations for 1.1

I know that I should have done the "[en] tiny fix" in another branch,
but it's the only way I found to fix directly the translation without
messing to much with the branches, sorry.

Left to do, for the website:
