Autor: Tommaso Datum: 2014-07-15 09:23 -000 To: Isabelle Bruno, ML movimenti Bicocca Betreff: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: [PACO] issue 7(2) 2014: Statistics ans
Tommaso Vitale
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Fabio de Nardis" <fabio.denardis@???>
> Date: 15 juillet 2014 10:58:30 UTC+2
> Subject: [PACO] issue 7(2) 2014: Statistics ans Activism
> I inform you that the last Issue of “Partecipazione e conflitto”
> (Participation and Conflict) the Italian/International open journal of
> studies on politics, cultures and society has been published.
> It is a very interesting special issue on “Statistics and Activism” and
> I
> think It might be of your interest.
> I remind that each article in the new series of the journal is available
> in English and freely downloadable in open access version.
> I beg you to spread this message by your mailinglists.
> ...........................................................
> Fabio de Nardis, PACO Chief-Editor
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> Partecipazione e Conflitto (Participation and Conflict)
> The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies
> > email: pacojournal@???