Re: [Tails-testers] Test needed on Windows

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Autor: sajolida
Data: 2014-06-29 14:34 -000
A: Tails list for early testers
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-testers] Test needed on Windows
mercedes508 wrote:
>> 1. Save the attachment on your disk (the UUI's author tells me it's
>>    a snapshot of UUI that adds the feature we need)
>> 2. Rename it to .exe
>> 3. Download the most recent ISO image from

> Tested with tails-i386-experimental-1.1-20140629T0728Z-7704cf8

I tested that too.

>> 4. Use the aforementioned .exe to install the ISO you've just
>>    downloaded to a USB stick.

> I used a 16GB USB stick. I had to format it as FAT32 in order to have
> UUI to accept it. Either with a debian-netinst on it or just MBR
> it would say "not enough space, 1046MB required".

I also had to create a MBR table on it. It previously had Tails 1.0.1 on
it and would not appear in the list of devices. That's probably not new
and no big deal given the use case this is supposed to support.

>> 6. Report success or failure (in the latter case, it's helpful to
>>    describe in full details the exact behavior, including full error
>>    messages if any).

> It worked on 2 different computers.

It worked for me as well.

I also tried to clone that USB stick onto a new one and it worked too.

So I'll also update

>> + full UUI output / logfile.
> Attached.

Same but different :)


Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\syslinux.exe... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\syslinux.cfg... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\7zG.exe... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\7z.dll... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\chain.c32... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\menu.c32... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\vesamenu.c32... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\mbrid
Create folder: F:\uui
Copy to F:\uui\syslinux.cfg
Executing syslinux on F:
Execute: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\syslinux.exe -maf -d /uui F:
Syslinux Errors 0
Creating Label UUI on F:
Extracting the iso: The progress bar will not move until finished. Please be patient...
Execute: "C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\7zG.exe" x "E:\tails-i386-experimental-1.1-20140629T0728Z-7704cf8.iso" -o"F:\" -y -x![BOOT]*
Execute: F:\utils\win32\syslinux.exe -maf -d /uui F:
Installing the packaged Syslinux version from the ISO
Syslinux Errors 0
Editing Configuration Files
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\Uni-USB-Installer-Copying.txt... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\Uni-USB-Installer-Readme.txt... 100%
Extract: C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\license.txt... 100%
C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\Uni-USB-Installer-Copying.txt -> F:\Uni-USB-Installer-Copying.txt
1 File(s) copied
C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\Uni-USB-Installer-Readme.txt -> F:\Uni-USB-Installer-Readme.txt
1 File(s) copied
C:\Users\Computer\AppData\Local\Temp\nsmC5FD.tmp\license.txt -> F:\license.txt
1 File(s) copied
Installation Done, Process is Complete!