Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge again feature/6342-u…

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Autor: anonym
Data: 2014-06-19 15:08 -000
Para: The Tails public development discussion list
Asunto: Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge again feature/6342-update-camouflage-for-gnome3
14/06/14 16:24, Alan wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:37:45 +0200
> anonym <anonym@???> wrote:
>> Blockers (children of #6342):
> I belive they are fixed. Please review and merge again
> feature/6342-update-camouflage-for-gnome3 (or specific branches
> mentionned in the ticket if you prefer) into tails devel as well as
> integration/tails-1.1 into gnome-theme-windows8 master.

Everything looks great now, IMHO. Furthermore, I asked a two friends to
have a glance at my screen (without *any* other instructions) when the
current camouflage was activated (with a maximised browser window open)
and both of them was pretty convinced. So that's two positive data
points for the glance-over-the-shoulder test. :)

Awesome work, alant! I'd like to merge right away, but I suppose we're
still blocked by the sorry state of window-picker-applet's packaging. u
(Cc:ed just to bring this sub-thread to his/her attention), any progress
on this front lately?

Hm. I suppose I could merge any way and *hope* it'll get resolved before
1.1. I doubt we'd truly block on this and even revert the previous merge
(for 1.1~beta1) if this doesn't happen in time for 1.1, and hence ship
it without any camouflage feature at all? Opinions?
