> u wrote (08 Jun 2014 19:01:52 GMT) :
>> [de/docsummary 1bc297b] review patch by flapflap
>> Please review and pull.
> It's unclear to me if the "please pull" is meant for those who have
> the commit bit, or to anyone else. I should probably silently assume
> the latter, since the subject has no "pull" indication, but it would
> be sad to miss good work :)
Hmm... before, the de/docsummary branch was fine, but u merged in the
451f master branch and that one is again a bit "strange" (the commit
"merge" that does not merge anything). 451f/master is (as was already
some time ago) diverged from tails/master....
I think it's nothing severe, it just doesn't look pretty :)
Maybe u could fix that?
(attached gitk screenshot how the situation looks to me)