Autor: Alan Data: 2014-06-05 10:38 -000 A: tails-dev Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] window-picker-applet packaging [was: Please review
and merge feature/6342-update-camouflage-for-gnome3]
> quoting:
> "There has been a lengthy discussion this week on the gnome-flashback
> mailing list, whether we will merge all gnome-applets into
> gnome-panel. In the process of this merge, we would also add
> window-picker-applet.
> [...]
> I have not yet read the whole thread.
Me neither, nut...
> Do you have any ideas about this?
...even if it would be merged, that wouldn't change anything for us as
we need a package for wheezy compatible with wheezy's gnome-panle,