Re: [Tails-l10n] Images and html pages translation


著者: Lunar
To: Tails localization discussion
題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] Images and html pages translation
> sajolida@???:
> > drebs:
> > I'm not sure there is any SVG source for the schema "How Tor Works". But
> > I bet that Lunar (in Cc) would either know whether there is one already,
> > or could tell us who to bug if we want to get it.

Indeed, it's probably worth dropping the current image and use the “Tor
and HTTPS” interactive visualization to help user understand who can
eavesdrop what.

The current image was designed by the EFF. You can probably ask for the
source there, but there will be work to do once you have that… It'll
probably take less time to start from scratch.

(Disappears behind a curtain, changes hat, reappears.)

I can also give out the source for the picture on the second page
(that's bottom right) of Nos oignons' information flyer which might be a
good basis as it shows the layer of encryption:

Lunar                                             <lunar@???>