Re: [Tails-dev] Which I2P in Tails 1.1?

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Lähettäjä: Kill Your TV
Vastaanottaja: tails-dev
Aihe: Re: [Tails-dev] Which I2P in Tails 1.1?
On Wed, 14 May 2014 23:17:55 +0000 (UTC)
anonym <anonym@???> wrote:

> > The cut-off for check-ins for I2P 0.9.13 is May 16th. A release will
> > most likely happen early next week. If that's acceptable,
> > excellent. :)
> The worst case I can handle would be if it's available early morning
> (CEST) on 28th of May (same day I'm gonna build the 1.1-rc image), but
> the earlier the better, of course.
> > I'll send an email/update redmine with the "pull new packages
> > please" request.
> If on redmine, please set target version to 1.1 and assign the ticket
> to me.

Please pull the 0.9.13 I2P packages into the Tails repository for
inclusion in Tails 1.1. (The release was delayed due to a bug found
late in the release cycle). 0.9.13 is especially important for users
behind firewalls, hidden mode, etc to improved performance in these

I have tested 0.9.13 in the devel branch and everything looks good.