[Tails-dev] Reworking the I2P documentation

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Author: sajolida
To: The Tails public development discussion list, killyourtv
Subject: [Tails-dev] Reworking the I2P documentation
That's an email mostly for kytv actually.

The user documentation for I2P [1] is one of the few remaining bits
inherited from Incognito. I'd like to rewrite it. But as I'm not an I2P
user myself, I need some input, especially regarding the particularities
of I2P in Tails.

So, kytv, could you have a look at the current doc [1] and tell us:

- What is outdated on this page.
- What would be worth being added to this page.
- Focus on the things that are specific to I2P in Tails.
- For the non-specific stuff, do you have any links to good upstream

I'm not asking you to write that page yourself (but you can if you
want!) but just to provide the input I need to write it.

[1]: https://tails.boum.org/doc/anonymous_internet/i2p/
