[Tails-dev] [review'n'merge] #7166: bugfix/7166-vagrant-memo…


著者: anonym
To: The Tails public development discussion list
題目: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge] #7166: bugfix/7166-vagrant-memory-checks

Please review and merge the branch bugfix/7166-vagrant-memory-checks
into the devel branch, which fixes #7166 [1]. I've optimistically
assigned the ticket to Kill Your TV since s/he did the previous testing.
This time, a successful test means that you can build Tails in RAM like
this, which should result in a non-RAM build without this branch:

1. Make sure you have >= 8 GiBs of free RAM.

2. Start the Vagrant VM:

       rake vm:up

3. Make sure the VM was started with ~7 GiBs of total RAM:

       (cd vagrant/ ; vagrant ssh -c "free -m")

4. Then fill your *hosts* RAM somehow so it has less than 7 GiBs of
free RAM (to be sure, feel free to almost completely fill the
host's RAM).

5. Start a build, which should auto-detect that enough RAM is there
for a RAM build, and hence enable it:

       rake build

6. Wait until the wiki has been built, and live-build starts to actually
building Tails, i.e. after the shell outputs something like

       Building iso image tails-i386-[...]

then verify that a large size=100% tmpfs been mounted
as /tmp/tmpfs.*, which implies that we're building in RAM:

      (cd vagrant/ ; vagrant ssh -c "mount")


[1] https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7166