Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge feature/6763-includ…

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Szerző: sajolida
Címzett: The Tails public development discussion list
Tárgy: Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge feature/6763-include-nautilus-gtkhash into devel
> Hi,
> Please review and merge
> feature/6763-include-nautilus-gtkhash into devel.

Maybe I missed something but I can't find that branch.

> $ git log -p devel...feature/6763-include-nautilus-gtkhash
> commit cb9fd7b7c4aa78cf80eac298a6a502ec6ab374f5
> Author: Tails developers <amnesia@???>
> Date: Wed Apr 16 16:30:15 2014 +0000
>     Include nautilus-gtkhash

>     Closes include
>     nautilus-gtkhash

> diff --git a/config/chroot_local-packageslists/tails-common.list
> b/config/chroot_local-packageslists/tails-common.list index
> c932062..f070639 100644 ---
> a/config/chroot_local-packageslists/tails-common.list +++
> b/config/chroot_local-packageslists/tails-common.list @@ -166,6 +166,7
> @@ msva-perl mutt
> nautilus
> nautilus-wipe
> +nautilus-gtkhash
> network-manager-gnome
> ntfs-3g
> ntfsprogs

If that's the only diff then you're missing the documentation. I'm not
asking you to write it but I would very much appreciate from you to
draft when that piece of software would fit.

At first sight I can think of at least:

- /doc/about/features/

- Encryption & privacy, with a short page explaining that we have a tool
to do checksum

- Think if it would be worth mentioning it in the ISO verification doc.
So far we advertised to use OpenPGP through seahorse-plugins, but that's
broken on recent Debian and Ubuntu. I should create a ticket to
investigate the status of this actually...
