Re: [Freepto] integration

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Autor: boyska
Data: 2014-04-21 19:38 -000
A: freepto
Assumpte: Re: [Freepto] integration
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 08:19:23PM +0100, vinc3nt wrote:
>On 13/04/14 22:34, boyska wrote:
>> I've seen that vinc3nt did lot of commits, so that its repository is
>> largely different from the central one.
>> I would find it easier to contibute with testing if I could get:
>> * a link to the .img to test
>the last image

those and something else (autoboot, wiperam, confirm on secure delete)
is included in my "master" branch, that you can download as

>> * the list of issues to test
>or if you prefer, all issue marked as "testing needed" on github should
>be tested:

correct link is:

I still do not understand what I should do. For example, what about
#116? I'll look if there's something similar to minissdpd inside the
package, but what behaviour should I expect?

Same thing applies for:
remove full-blown MTA #115
wireless drivers (broadcom) #67 (cannot test, what should we do in this
Protect against memory recovery such as cold boot attack #53
