[Tails-dev] Restructuring the homepage [was: Re: Making our …

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Lähettäjä: sajolida
Päiväys: 2014-04-16 10:04 -000
Vastaanottaja: The Tails public development discussion list
Vanhat otsikot: Re: [Tails-dev] Making our website cuter, friendlier and more engaging
Aihe: [Tails-dev] Restructuring the homepage [was: Re: Making our website cuter, friendlier and more engaging]
>>> Furthermore, i can ask some graphic designers I know IRL for concrete
>>> proposals. There could also be a call for submitting graphical
>>> mock-ups/ideas like was done for the logo.
>> I think we need to work internally on the content and its structure
>> before calling for graphic design. But yes, starting with the homepage
>> might be a good exercise. So, as a first step, does anyone feel like
>> thinking about the homepage in abstract terms?
> created a ticket https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7082 and attached a
> first proposal. This is a mockup, not graphic design, so please judge
> the contents, not the way it looks like :)
> Please read my idea for the pictures, what do you think about this?
> I'm all for recycling great ideas! ;)

I think it becomes difficult to talk about the content or structure of a
page once you see a PNG mockup. People started debating the position of
the menu, the colors, and personal taste. That doesn't look very
bottom-up to me :)

Maybe I'd rather start writing a good old blueprint instead, and talk in
more abstract terms:

- What are the problems with the current homepage?
- What do we want to achieve with this new homepage?

In a bit more concrete terms, we are already considering changes in the

- Mentioning Tor, Debian, and free software
- Your mockup remove the Security part
- People suggested adding the FAQ to the menu
- Your mockup added bits of the Contribute page
- Tchou suggested mention the persistence, or that Tails is a way to
carry around your documents encrypted.
