Re: [Tails-dev] [Freepto] Freepto vagrant

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Autore: vinc3nt
To: tails-dev
Oggetto: Re: [Tails-dev] [Freepto] Freepto vagrant
On 30/03/14 19:34, intrigeri wrote:

> Of course, it can be great sometimes to use third-party packages as
> a starting point to experiment how good the future will be :)

Oh yes :)

>> At moment the release 1.0.3-1 is the only available from wheezy
>> repository, therefore should be great working on the backporting from
>> sid version (1.4.3-1).
> Sure!
>> The same applies for the vagrant-libvirt plugin [2].
> Yay. That one is not in Debian yet.
> Do you want to file a RFP bug, to start with?

Yes I will do as soon as possible.

> (Maintaining it yourself would be even better, if you feel like it :)

I'm not enough self confident with debian packaging process yet :)

>> Anyway should be possible mix in the same Vagrantfile different
>> configuration [1]
> Interestingly, we use something different to support this usecase:
>    $ git grep vagrant_old -- Rakefile vagrant

> ... in the Tails main repository.

I have used the multi-machine environment for adding the support for two
different provider (virtualbox and kvm/libvirt) in the same Vagrantfile

Now the kvm/libvirt provider seems to work fine.

>> what can i do to help him?
> If you feel like doing some packaging and maintenance:
>   1. package the latest upstream version
>   2. test it on current Debian unstable
>   3. publish the source package somewhere
>   4. announce your work on #741478, tag this bug "patch"
>   5. ping the maintainer every two weeks
>   6. if they're not responsive within 2 months, then offer your help,
>      or even to adopt the package (possibly in a team, that could
>      include the current maintainer)

> Else, my usual answer would be "help the maintainer triage their bug",
> but in this case it does not really apply, so I would ask the
> maintainer what I can do to alleviate their workload, so that they can
> do their maintainer job better :)

I will try to find enough time for that :)


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