Am 04.04.2014 21:43, schrieb flapflap:
> This makes things very complicated as nobody can track where exactly
> your changes are (e.g. the reviewers can't compare your changes to the
> official baseline version/master branch).
> Instead you should do it as u has outlined [0]. This approach is better,
> because it preserves the history of the repo and we other people can see
> where your changes diverge from the official version, do the review, and
> merge your changes+review into the official repo.
> [0]
> ~flapflap
oh okay, I though I was being really clever avoid the "clutter" of all
the other files and folders
I'll do that eventually. menawhile could one of the germantranslators
simply download my file and integrate it in his/her setup?
one thing that whould make it easier for noobs likes me is if one of you
could set up a light weight VM (e.g. DSL or slitaz) and set it up.