Re: [Tails-dev] Branches usage until 1.1 is out

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Autor: anonym
Datum: 2014-04-02 15:47 -000
To: The Tails public development discussion list
Betreff: Re: [Tails-dev] Branches usage until 1.1 is out
20/03/14 12:00, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> our "experimental" Git branch is generally used to merge stuff that is
> not quite ready for a proper pull request, but could use some testing.
> Best case, this stuff will make it into the next major Tails release.
> Our "devel" Git branch is generally used to prepare the next major
> release. Our next major release is 1.1 (Wheezy).
> So, I propose we merge feature/wheezy into the devel and experimental
> branches, and use these branches (as usual) to prepare the next major
> release. Then, feature/wheezy can simply be ignored from now on.

Do you intend this merge to happen the normal way or as an exception,
i.e. just merge without a review before? I some how got that impression.
If so, I wouldn't be against it to get things rolling quickly (in
particular that new branches get based on it), as a proper review may
take some time given the branche's size, and that I (the supposed
reviewer) isn't terribly familiar with the branch yet.

> Also, until now I've been freely pushing stuff to feature/wheezy,
> without going through our usual review'n'merge process. I think it's
> great time to stop that. So, I propose that when working on 1.1, we
> now use feature branches forked off the (Wheezy-based) devel branch,
> and go through the usual review and merge process.
> Does this all make sense for you?

Yes. While painful, now seems to be the time for this unavoidable step.

However, just to make it clear (even though you haven't suggested
anything like it), let's *not* do it for e.g. the Tails Greeter Git
repo, only for the Tails Git repo. Otherwise there will be complications
for the work on the 1.0 release.

> I've got two additional questions, mainly for anonym (with his RM
> hat):
>   * do you think you can take care, in a timely manner, of the many
>     review'n'merge requests that will be sent if we go this way?

Starting next week, yes. I will have to prioritise my RM work for the
1.0 release, obviously, but I promise to not neglect work on this front.

>   * could you please review the current devel..feature/wheezy delta,
>     as a starting point? ETA?

A quick count say that it's 273 commits, so any help reviewing this
(like Alan offered) is welcome, although I'm unsure how it can be
divided. Unless someone proposes something smart I'll just do it all; an
independent review by someone else would still be quite beneficial.

For an ETA I'd first need to know how the actual merge is gonna happen,
per my earlier question.
