[Tails-dev] Review of https://tails.boum.org/contribute/inde…

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Autore: Alster
Data: 2014-03-26 09:04 -000
To: tails-dev
Oggetto: [Tails-dev] Review of https://tails.boum.org/contribute/index.en.html

intrigeri suggested I could review the "how to contribute to Tails
infrastructure" page, and due to a misunderstanding I assumed he was
referring to


and thus reviewed this page.

So, for this page review to not go to waste, I'll send this it here so
anyone interested in improving this page now or later may take it into



My feedback:

A. First part of the page (until, but not including, the table of contents)

* Provides a good overview about how people can contribute to Tails
(though I cannot claim to know all the available options and thus cannot
be sure it is complete). Thanks to the icons used and the small blocks
of short text it is visually appealing.

* The "User" section could be renamed to "Contribute your Tails
experience" and the "Donate" section could be renamed to "Contribute
financially" to be in line with the other sections, though I admit this
makes them somewhat cheesy.

* I suggest to replace the "designer" icon (which is currently identical
with the "writer" icon) by one which is more closely related to visual
arts, such as a palette or drawing board - if there is someone available
to provide additional icons in the same style.

* All the web links in this section work and point to pages which
provide the information the links to them discuss. Several links point
to the same page, and actually only discuss part of this page. Maybe
anchored links could be used to directly point people to the matching
content / section on these pages. But then anchors can change, so maybe
that's why they are not being used here.

* I'm not sure whether the headings "Contribute with your language
skills" and "Contribute with your computer skills" should remain as they
are or whether the word "with" should be dropped. A native English
speaker will need to comment on this.

B. Second part of the page (starting at the table of contents)

* I _guess_ that this is actually the former version of this page, since
it starts with a table of contents in the middle of a web page.

* The information provided in this part of the page seems relevant to
me, but I also think it clutters this page and should go to a separate
page instead, which is then referred to by the pages the first part of
this page points to, where it makes sense. For example, many (but not
all) of the topics discussed here are primarily relevant to those who
work on software (a designer may not need or want to know about how to
build Debian packages - it may actually drive them away) - so these
could be linked on https://tails.boum.org/contribute/how/code/

* The note saying that
"there _are_ currently no way to contribute to Tails if you do not
understand English"
should instead say:
"there _is_ currently no way to contribute to Tails if you do not
understand English"
However, this statement can at least partially seem to contradict the
first part of this page which also discusses ways to contribute to
Tails, and will likely be translated (?), and I assume you do not intend
to receive donations only from those who understand the English
language. On the other hand I see how even for most organizational
matters basic understanding of the English language will actually be a

* All the web links in this section work and point to pages which
provide the information the links to them discuss.

