著者: anonym 日付: 2014-02-26 13:44 -000 To: The Tails public development discussion list 題目: Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge
21/02/14 11:41, intrigeri wrote: > anonym wrote (21 Feb 2014 03:20:36 GMT) :
>> I want to merge this, but I'm tempted to delay it until some of the
>> other Tails Greeter merges are also in, to avoid some of the packaging
>> overhead. Therefore I also leave the ticket as is until I actually merge
>> it. Does this make sense?
> Why not. I'm not fond of delaying this 2 months old merge request any
> longer, but well, I see what you mean. Practically speaking, this
> means that the one who will review and merge the bridges or MAC
> spoofing branch (whichever is ready first) will need to merge that one
> at the same time, right?
Actually I was only talking about branches that *I* was about to
potentially merge. I thought there were a couple, but apparently there
was only one (#5594) which maybe won't even make it.
Oh well, the seeing as you have merged the branch (in both repos) and
made a new t-g release, we can just forget about this. Sorry for the