Re: [Tails-dev] Tor Launcher as a standalone XUL app in Tail…

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Autore: Kathleen Brade
Data: 2014-02-24 15:54 -000
To: anonym, The Tails public development discussion list
CC: Mike Perry, Mark Smith
Oggetto: Re: [Tails-dev] Tor Launcher as a standalone XUL app in Tails
On 2/20/14, 4:15 PM, anonym wrote:
> Any ETA on when my patches can be reviewed? ...

Feedback from Mark and myself for:
For the Makefile:
A small issue:  Mark and I would prefer that files not be copied into 
the "src" tree during packaging.  An alternative would be to stage the 
files under "pkg" (I realize that will be more work).

Why do you have MinVersion set to 17.0.0?
Unless for some reason you need MinVersion set to 17, you should make it
24.0.0. At this point, we really don't want anyone running with Gecko
older than 24. We are going to change the minVersion in Tor Launcher's
install.rdf file to 24.0.0 as well.

Feedback for:
For tl-process.js:
Mark and I prefer that the line setting mTorProcessStatus to unknown be 
left in _startTor().  Some day we may call that multiple times and we'll 
want it initialized correctly in there.  The status is initialized to 
unknown (0) upon creation so you do not need to set it in _controlTor().

Feedback for:
For tl-process.js:
Please fix the else to be on its own line (to match the rest of the file).

For tl-util.jsm:
It would be nice if "shouldOnlyConfigureTor()" had a corresponding pref
like shouldStartAndOwnTor() does (other people may find the concept
useful). Perhaps "extensions.torlauncher.only_configure_tor"?

Feedback for:


-- Kathy