Re: [Tails-dev] #5594: tails-greeter: better administration …

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Autor: Andres Gomez Ramirez
Data: 2014-02-22 18:10 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] #5594: tails-greeter: better administration password UI
> In the patch you use at least one untranslated string in
> +            self.warning_label.set_markup("<i>Password must not be empty.</i>")

> but possibly also in
> +            self.warning_label.set_markup("<i>Passwords do not match.</i>")

> In the latter case you actually set it to the default text for
>`warning_label` as defined in the glade file, so maybe it works.
> I'm no glade expert, but I think the way you'll have to go is to create
> two `warning_label`, one for each warning, and `show()`/`hide()` them
> appropriately. I'd be glad if someone more familiar with glade could
> chime in if there's a better approach.

so the idea is to add translatable string to the labels, ok.

btw I'm having problems to access with firefox 27.0.1, there is an error with the certificate (?):

(Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

