[Tails-dev] boum, distribute & monetize your software

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Autor: Victor Vlad
Data: 2014-02-17 13:05 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: [Tails-dev] boum, distribute & monetize your software
boum & CodeFuel - Business inquiry

I'm part of the Business Development team at CodeFuel, a division of Perion.
I'm contacting you to discuss a possible partnership between CodeFuel and your company.

CodeFuel offers a
free software monetization service, including: * Search Monetization: Get paid per user with our SearchFuel solutions.* Smart Installer: Monetize software with the InstallFuel recommendation engine.* Advanced Analytics: Analyze data, traffic & boost revenues with our Control Center.

Plus, if you are looking to
distribute your software to millions of users, CodeFuel has a range of tools that can boost your traffic.
CodeFuel's products are enhanced by five search providers including Google and Bing.

I'd like to discuss our possible partnership via phone or Skype at your earliest convenience. When would be the best time for you to speak?
Alternatively simply reply to this email and we'll begin exploring our partneship.
Looking forward to hear from you,

http://click.m.codefuel.com/?qs=88d7e16fb0c84a2cebe50ef8da8b7a241164f509859fc30bccd83572ee0c6886 with link&Campaign=Outbound8&Adgroup=free%20software%20monetization%20link&utm_source=Outbound8&utm_medium=email&utm_term=free+software+monetization+link&utm_campaign=minisite with link//
Victor Vlad
Business Development Director | CodeFuel, a division of Perionw.
http://click.m.codefuel.com/?qs=88d7e16fb0c84a2cebe50ef8da8b7a241164f509859fc30bccd83572ee0c6886 with link&Campaign=Outbound8&Adgroup=free%20software%20monetization%20link&utm_source=Outbound8&utm_medium=email&utm_term=free+software+monetization+link&utm_campaign=minisite with link//

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