Auteur: sajolida Date: À: The Tails public development discussion list Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge
feature/dont_autostart_iceweasel + test/dont_autostart_iceweasel
intrigeri: > Anyway, I think I've managed to make it good enough to release, and
> sajolida agreed to take care of the review'n'merge. I guess he
> wouldn't mind someone else (bertagaz, hint, hint :) to have a look at
> the branch that updates the test suite.
I tested that between yesterday and this morning. I'm glad I lunched out
yesterday because this morning I discovered a new bug. The "Tor is
ready" message was appearing too early, when Iceweasel would still tell
you that "Tor is not ready". So I reused the same check code from
Iceweasel for the Tor is ready notification. I tested that by patching a
running ISO but I didn't built a new one.
The Unsafe Browser was working fine already.
I also rephrased a bit the "Tor is ready" message. The GDP Style Guide
say "the Internet":
Usage: Use an initial uppercase letter to refer to the Internet.
Example: Select this option to display Internet time in the applet.
> Branches:
> * feature/dont_autostart_iceweasel: to be merged into stable and devel
I patched it so it needs another review before merging. Sorry...