Re: [Tails-dev] Support for modern Vagrant

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Auteur: intrigeri
Date: 2013-12-20 11:48 -000
À: The Tails public development discussion list
Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Support for modern Vagrant

David Wolinsky wrote (20 Dec 2013 04:02:17 GMT) :
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 5:39 AM, intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:
>> intrigeri wrote (18 Dec 2013 20:15:16 GMT) :
>> > David Wolinsky wrote (18 Dec 2013 17:22:07 GMT) :
>> >> What's your preferred method? Shall we just hack the keys into the git
>> repo
>> >> for now until the maintainer of the box has a chance to update it?
>> > Unfortunately, the box currently has no maintainer. If someone gives
>> > me precise instructions, that work on current Debian unstable, to
>> > build an up-to-date one, then I'm happy to upload it. Any taker?
>> I realized I was unclear. Such instructions could:
>> 1. either allow me to build a new, up-to-date basebox from scratch
>>    (possibly hard, likely Veewee has changed 10 times since then and
>>    our stuff does not work anymore, as it is customary in the Ruby
>>    ecosystem)
>> 2. or allow me to update our existing basebox (that is, likely to run
>>    two commands in the VM and have the changes persist into the .box);
>>    this is probably easy enough for anyone willing to learn the very
>>    basics of Vagrant, I guess.

> I'm still not quite clear what update you have in mind. Perhaps the most
> reasonable action would be to update the existing basebox with apt-get
> update && apt-get dist-upgrade.

Yes, exactly.

> Alternatively, do we just want to add those keys into the basebox?

I don't see why this would be easier than the cleaner apt-get upgrade,

> Once we have updated the basebox do we need to run any clean up
> commands?

I don't think so.

> Perhaps just reading some Vagrant documentation would help.

Yes, I guess this would be enough to provide me with these
instructions. I don't expect more that one or three Vagrant commands
are needed here, I am just not using it, and having no time to learn
it right now -- sorry :)

>> > Otherwise, yes, I guess it might be an acceptable "temporary"
>> > workaround to add the needed keys to our Git repositories. I'm not
>> > utterly enthusiastic, but oh well, getting this working, somehow,
>> > is important.
>> ... note that this hack would have to be documented on the relevant
>> design doc [1], so it is a bit more work, and probably not that
>> interesting compared to #2 above.
> At least with this hack, I could probably do it in 10 to 15 mins. The other
> activities would require me getting my hands a bit dirtier. Of course, may
> there's someone else with more familiarity, who could save the day :).

Worst case, we can still go this way, yes. Doing so wouldn't be very
confidence-inspiring in our ability to do the basic maintenance of our
Vagrant basebox, but we know that already :]

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