[Tails-dev] basebox from scratch Re: Support for modern Vag…

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Autor: Andreas Kuckartz
Datum: 2013-12-20 09:45 -000
To: The Tails public development discussion list
Alte Treads: Re: [Tails-dev] Support for modern Vagrant
Betreff: [Tails-dev] basebox from scratch Re: Support for modern Vagrant
> intrigeri wrote (18 Dec 2013 20:15:16 GMT) :
>> David Wolinsky wrote (18 Dec 2013 17:22:07 GMT) :
>>> What's your preferred method? Shall we just hack the keys into the git repo
>>> for now until the maintainer of the box has a chance to update it?
>> Unfortunately, the box currently has no maintainer. If someone gives
>> me precise instructions, that work on current Debian unstable, to
>> build an up-to-date one, then I'm happy to upload it. Any taker?
> I realized I was unclear. Such instructions could:
> 1. either allow me to build a new, up-to-date basebox from scratch
>    (possibly hard, likely Veewee has changed 10 times since then and
>    our stuff does not work anymore, as it is customary in the Ruby
>    ecosystem)

It would also reduce the "trusting trust" issue if the steps to build
the basebox were documented and reproducible.
