Re: [Freepto] debian 7.3 released

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Auteur: boyska
Date: 2013-12-19 19:15 -000
À: freepto
Sujet: Re: [Freepto] debian 7.3 released
On 19/12/2013 19:16, vinc3nt wrote:
> On 12/19/2013 05:00 PM, boyska wrote:
>> On 16/12/2013 00:20, boyska wrote:
>>> On 15/12/2013 23:24, vinc3nt wrote:
>>>> before the switch between 0.1.2-RC and 0.1.2, do we want to rebuild
>>>> freepto image with the latest debian upgrade?
>>> I hope this upgrade haven't broke it all.
>>> Yes, let's rebuild and do a small test.
>> I did a quick test (only qemu, sorry) on the english version.
>> Seems to work fine
> which is the last built image?

look at the dates ;)

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