Re: [Tails-dev] Tails contributors meeting: Wednesday, Dece…

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Auteur: sajolida
Date: 2013-12-12 02:19 -000
À: The Tails public development discussion list
Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Tails contributors meeting: Wednesday, December 11 [was: Tails contributors meeting: Wednesday, December 5]
> Errata: Wednesday December 11, on #tails-dev (OFTC) 9pm UTC (10pm CET)

Here is a report of what we discussed tonight.

Volunteers to handle broken windows this month?

intrigeri and sajolida will work together with Kevin on Tails Clock so
that #5306 is fixed in 0.23 hopefully.

Monthly low-hanging fruits meeting?

Saturday 2013-01-04 9am to 1pm UTC / 10am to 2pm CET

#6263: Make it easy to make a POP3 account persistent when creating it
outside the Claws wizard

We keep this bug low priority, and create another ticket (with that one
blocking on it) called "Support multiple persistent paths per preset in
the persistent volume assistant", low-priority too.

Any time we put into Claws Mail now feels like wasting time and
postponing the move to Icedove, and that would be sad.

intrigeri updates the ticket.

#6469: Document the workflow to upgrade Tails from ISO using 2 USB sticks

We could give 3 options:

- 1 - Tails DVD + 1 Tails USB stick
- 2 - 3 USB sticks + Windows or whatever
- 3 - 2 USB sticks + Linux or Tails

And mark the ticket as "easy" task. The ticket was updated.

#6003: Discuss need of non IP packets antitests

Sending "non-IP packets to the Internet" doesn't make any sense. So
there's no way we can verify whether non-IP packets leak to the
Internet. Marked as "rejected".

Other kind of networking might be possible to the LAN, but a first step
would be to investigate what does that mean. Related to #5340.

It might be an interesting project to study what kind of networking is
possible, outside of IP, with Tails. Especially as non-root.

#6470: Make all .desktop-files translatable in Transifex

It seems like Transifex actually supports translating .desktop files
natively. So our plan is to have all .desktop translated in their own
repo. This means incrementally adding intltool support, or whatever is
needed, to the individual repos.

WinterFairy updates the ticket.