Re: [Tails-dev] Switched to IBus in squeeze too, please revi…

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Auteur: intrigeri
Date: 2013-11-27 14:12 -000
À: The Tails public development discussion list
Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Switched to IBus in squeeze too, please review
winterfairy@??? wrote (27 Nov 2013 13:43:02 GMT) :
> This is fixed in the "feature/wheezy" branch in my repo.
> Commit: 16b5ecab24a70e1079c95c7314b73295733895be

Merged, thanks!

> By the way, it appears "" stopped working, it
> just displays "No repositories found".

Anyone up to reporting it to the immerda team? Contact info follows
(that's why I'm signing this message).

pub   4096R/0x2B4374BEE565BE1E 2010-09-11 [expires: 2014-09-02]
      Key fingerprint = E411 0D15 4C94 C31F 0398  B19A 2B43 74BE E565 BE1E
uid                            immerda admin <admin@???>
uid                            admin (schleuder list) <admin-owner@???>
uid                            admin (schleuder list) <admin-request@???>
sub   4096R/0x164197A255A46EA2 2010-09-11 [expires: 2014-09-02]

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