[movimenti.bicocca] Interface - Volume 5 Issue 2 - Now Onlin…

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Autor: Alice Mattoni
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Betreff: [movimenti.bicocca] Interface - Volume 5 Issue 2 - Now Online
Interface: a journal for and about social movements http://interfacejournal.net

Volume five, issue two (November 2013):

Tenth issue celebration


- Apologies for any crossposting -

Volume five, issue two of Interface, a peer-reviewed online journal produced and refereed by social movement practitioners and engaged movement researchers, is now out, celebrating our tenth issue. Interface is open-access (free), global and multilingual. Our overall aim is to "learn from each other's struggles": to develop a dialogue between practitioners and researchers, but also between different social movements, intellectual traditions and national or regional contexts.

Like all issues of Interface, this issue is free and open-access. You can download articles individually or a complete PDF of the issue (8.7 MB). Please note that you can also subscribe (free) on the right-hand side of the webpage to get email notification each time a new issue or call for papers is out. This issue ofInterface includes 533 pages and 29 pieces, by authors writing from / about Australia, Austria, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the USA among other countries.

Articles in this issue include:

§ Lesley Wood, Peter Waterman, Sara Motta, Alice Mattoni, Mandisi Majavu, Elizabeth Humphrys, Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Laurence Cox
Interface tenth issue

§ Anna Szolucha,
No stable ground: living real democracy in Occupy

§ José Antonio Cerrillo Vidal,
From general strike to social strike: movement alliances and innovative actions in the November 2012 Spanish general strike

§ Panagiotis Sotiris,
Reading revolt as deviance: Greek intellectuals and the December 2008 revolt of Greek youth

§ Giuseppe Caruso,
Towards a new universality: the World Social Forum’s cosmopolitan vision

§ Heleen Schols, Garan Hobbelink, Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Sat Trejo, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Markos Vogiatzoglou, Laurence Cox, Ewout van den Berg,
Social movements and the European crisis: activist and researcher reflections

§ Yavuz Yıldırım,
Avropa Sosyal Forumu yolun sonunda mi? İstanbul 2010 ve sonrasi (TR)

§ Amy M. Lane,
Breaking through the “invisible prison”: the National Federation of the Blind and the Right to Organize, 1959

§ Patricia Aljama y Joan Pujol,
Reflexiones sobre la institucionalización del movimiento LGBT desde el context catalán y espanol (ES)

§ Eric Turner,
The 5 Star Movement and its discontents: a tale of blogging, comedy, electoral success and tensions

§ Franz Seifert,
Transnational diffusion of a high-cost protest method: open field destructions in France, Germany and Spain

§ Connor T. Jerzak,
Ultras in Egypt: state, revolution and the power of public space

§ Stanislav Vysotsky,
The influence of threat on tactical choices of militant anti-fascist activists

§ Raphael Schlembach,
The “Autonomous Nationalists”: new developments and contradictions in the German neo-Nazi movement

§ Mi Park,
The trouble with eco-politics of localism: too close to the far right? Debates on ecology and globalization

§ Christian Fuchs,
The Anonymous movement in the context of liberalism and socialism

§ Emily Brisette,
Waging a war of position on neo-liberal terrain: critical reflections on the counter-recruitment movement

§ Grzegorz Piotrowski,
Social movement or subculture? Alterglobalists in Central and Eastern Europe

§ Yulia Lukashina,
Collective action frames and Facebook fan and group pages: the case of the Russian Snow Revolution 2011 - 2013

§ Françoise Hamlin,
Calculating success: teaching movement legacies

§ Max Haiven and Alex Khasnabish,
Between success and failure: dwelling with social movements in the hiatus

This issue’s reviews include the following titles:

§ Raúl Zibechi, Territories in resistance: a cartography of Latin American social movements. Reviewed by Colleen Hackett.

§ Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright. Beyond the fragments: feminism and the making of socialism (new edition). Reviewed byLaurence Cox.

§ Shigematsu, Setsu. Scream from the Shadows: The Women’s Liberation Movement in Japan. Reviewed by Julia Schuster.

§ Chris Crass. Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis and Movement Building Strategy. Reviewed by Lesley Wood.

§ Wood, Lesley. Direct Action, Deliberation and Diffusion: Collective Action after the WTO protests in Seattle. Reviewed by Neil Sutherland.

§ Mattoni, Alice. Media Practices and Protest Politics – How Precarious Workers Mobilise. Reviewed by Mark Bergfeld.

§ Gerbaudo, Paulo. Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism. Reviewed by Maite Tapia.

§ Hill, Symon. Digital Revolutions: Activism in the Internet Age. Reviewed by Deborah Eade.

§ R. D. Smith. Higher Hopes: A Black Man’s Guide to College. Reviewed by Mandisi Majavu.

A call for papers for volume 6 issue 2 (November 2014) of Interface is now open, under the heading "Movement internationalism(s)", deadline May 1st 2014. Along with themed submissions we welcome pieces on any aspect of social movement research and practice that fit within our mission statement (http://www.interfacejournal.net/who-we-are/mission-statement/). We can review and publish articles in Afrikaans, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Zulu. The website has the full CFP and details on how to submit articles for this issue at http://www.interfacejournal.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Interface-5-2-CFP-issue-6-vol-2.pdf

The forthcoming issue of Interface (May 2014) will be on the pedagogical practices of social movements. The deadline has been extended until December 1st2013.

Please help us publicise this issue:

§ Forward this email

§ Link to the article on blogs and social media sites

§ Post details on twitter etc.: http://interfacejournal.net/



Alice Mattoni
Research Fellow
Centre on Social Movement Studies
Political and Social Science Department
European University Institute


New Book: Mediation and Protest Movements, co-edited with Bart Cammaerts and Patrick McCurdy http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/books/view-Book,id=4917/

New Book: Advances in the Visual Analysis of Social Movements, co-edited with Nicole Doerr and Simon Teune http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=0163-786x&volume=35