Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge feature/liveusb_ui_i…

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Lähettäjä: intrigeri
Päiväys: 2013-11-16 17:48 -000
Vastaanottaja: The Tails public development discussion list
Aihe: Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge feature/liveusb_ui_improvement_followups

Alan wrote (15 Nov 2013 13:48:35 GMT) :
> On Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:42:00 +0100
> intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:

>> * It's unclear what code is included in this .deb: next time, please
>> push the Git tag you built from, or make it clear in your pull
>> request what public commit you've based the .deb from (the commit
>> gbp put into the version number apparently only lives on a packaging
>> branch you didn't push). I realize I've not done this in the past
>> (before feature/bigger-system-partition) myself, must have been
>> a pain for reviewers.
> So what should I do? Add a commit in the debian branch merging the
> snapshot branche to be reviewed? I thought I shouldn't do that (but
> checked how it was done in feature/bigger-system-partition...)

You're right, you should not do that: the debian branch is not
supposed to have stuff merged in, that are pending for review.

You could either simply push the (temporary) packaging branch you're
working on (e.g. I pushed debian_bugfix/safer-persistence), or the tag
(that's enough for Git to have its history) produced by
`git-buildpackage --git-sign-tags --git-tag-only'.

>> But hey, all in all, you did pretty well!
> Would you write a summary of things not to forget when doing such
> a testing package,

It seems unlikely I find time to do it any time soon.

> or review something I could write once my questions
> are clarified?


>> (our process is too heavy for minor changes IMHO, with the current
>> little energy available for review'n'merge; better grab pending
>> changes when asking for a review next time; freeze is in weeks,
>> hopefully someone will notice if I've just introduced crap).
> I don't fully get the process you are proposing. Could you please
> clarify?

As a Tails developer
When I'm working on package X
And I'm ready to submit for review my topic branch A against X
And there are other topic branches for X pending for review
Then I should merge these other branches into my packaging branch

=> Only one "build .deb snapshot, ask review'n'merge, review'n'merge,
release new X" cycle is needed.

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