Re: [Tails-dev] tailstime - Proposed SDS

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Autor: Kevin C. Krinke
Data: 2013-10-12 17:27 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] tailstime - Proposed SDS

On 2013-10-12 12:18 PM, intrigeri wrote:
> Any news on this one?
> Cheers!

I haven't had much consistent time to spend on this, it's been mostly
done on my train rides to/from work where internet access is splotchy at
best. Progress is being made though!

Quick summary:

1. Things that are working
* Renamed project to tailsclock, the bike shed looks better red :)
* Applet works, displays date/time, shows in add-to-panel
* Is localized (needs more testing)
* TZ determined by pytz and locale
* Writes Olson TZ reference to ~/.config/tails/timezone

2. "Preference" Related TODO
* Context-menu isn't working the way I'd intended but does work
* Preferences dialog can be opened but currently doesn't do anything

3. Problems
* Figure out why the theme doesn't match the panel
* The applet should get theme (bg/fg/font) from panel
* Time formatting also displays the seconds
* Seconds shouldn't be displayed by default??

4. Wishlist
* Prefs options for:
* Toggle 24hr/12hr format
* Toggle seconds display

Apart from the normal Python/Gtk/GNOME libs, the only pkg dep is python-tz.

I'm optimistic this will reach be feature complete with obvious problems
sorted out by the end of next week.


Kevin C. Krinke <kevin@???>
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