[Tails-dev] Ticket #5705, desktop integration of cryptsetup …

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Autor: irregulator
Data: 2013-10-05 12:12 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumptes vells: Re: [Tails-dev] Tails & Truecrypt
Assumpte: [Tails-dev] Ticket #5705, desktop integration of cryptsetup TrueCrypt support
On 10/04/2013 11:46 PM, intrigeri wrote:
> Second, we have a "Replace TrueCrypt" ticket on the roadmap for Tails 2.0:
>       https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/5373

> There are various subtasks in there, that could greatly benefit from
> some help. Some are quite easy (#5705) and will allow to see what kind
> of effort needs to be done to be able to replace TC entirely.

Hello list.

I want to add some more info on https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/5705.

For what it worths, cryptsetup supports Truecrypt since version 1.6
(currently available on Debian testing and not in wheezy-backports).

I made some simple tests in Debian testing to review desktop integration.

A user can open a Truecrypt container using cryptsetup in command-line
with root privileges. I think that can be handled with sudo. Still, one
could say it's complicated for the average user to fire up command line
to open a Truecrypt container. That's a minus.

As soon as the container is mounted, a new disk is shown up in Nautilus,
so that's a good thing. User can easily browse, create or edit files
inside the mounted container. That's a plus.

Gnome Disk Utility seems not to recognize the Truecrypt volume as it
does with say a LUKS volume. It just shows an unknown format's file with
size equal to the Truecrypt volume, assigned at a loopback device.

Hope I helped.