[Tails-dev] Tails & Truecrypt

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Autor: Marco Calamari
Data: 2013-10-04 17:56 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: [Tails-dev] Tails & Truecrypt
As a fanatic supporter of Tails, I just want to
rememebr how Truecrypt is widely diffused as
easy crossplaform tool.

I do not want to open another big thread about story, doubts,
finding and opinions about Truecrypt, but just to point one question.

We agree that the not-torified browser was an horrible
but useful thing, and after careful pros&cons balance,
the right decision was adopted, and now it is there.

Because of this, I suggest to reconsider the log time announced
sooner o later drop. There is no problem of space (we are in the DVD
size since long), the feacture is activable only as kernel parameter,
so why drop it when can be so useful for encryption-savvy people?

I think that the current way to activate Truecrypt shield it from
"naive" users.
On the contrary, I'll prefer to see it cited explicitely in the
interface as
deprecated possibility (as the untorified browser is).

OTOH licence problem IMO can be solved in some way.

JM2C. Thanks to all. Marco

Marco A.Calamari - Board Member
marco.calamari@??? +39.347.8530279

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