Re: [Tails-dev] Installation USB-Stick

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Auteur: Andreas Meyer
Date: 2013-09-10 09:53 -000
À: tails-dev
Nouveaux-sujets: Re: [Tails-dev] Installation USB-Stick
Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Installation USB-Stick

intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:

> Hi Andreas,
> Andreas Meyer wrote (10 Sep 2013 08:47:40 GMT) :
> > New to Tails, I burned version 0.20 in CD and tried to install it
> > on an USB-Stick from within the live-system.
> I hope you really mean DVD here :)

yes, of course

> > I have three sticks. With two of them tails said they have a GPT
> > Partition table. So I took gparted and wrote a Master Boot Record
> > and a FAT-Parttion to the sticks. cfdisk says everthing is ok.
> You should not have to change the MBR nor create partitions yourself:

ok, read it again and find that a have to use 2 GB sticks and not
1 GB like I did with two sticks. The third stick was a 2 GB one and
that gave no problems.

> > But then again, Tails said, there is a GPT-Table in the sticks.
> > How can this be?
> What exactly are you doing that makes Tails say that, and why is it
> a problem?

I use the USB-Installer of Tails. Here's the output:

Resetting Master Boot Record of /dev/sdb
Warning: All data on the selected drive will be lost.
Press 'Next' if you wish to continue.

Partitioning device /dev/sdb
Error creating partition: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_add_partition: device_file=/dev/sdb, start=0, size=1572864000, type=8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908
Entering MS-DOS parser (offset=0, size=1027604480)
found partition type 0xee => protective MBR for GPT
Exiting MS-DOS parser
Entering EFI GPT parser
GPT magic found
Leaving EFI GPT parser
EFI GPT partition table detected
containing partition table scheme = 3
got it
got disk
Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!
ped_partition_new() failed

LiveUSB creation failed!

I guess this is all because the stick is just 1 GB and not 2 GB.

After looking with cfdisk it says:
Warning!! Unsupported GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected. Use GNU Parted.

The GUID Partition Table seems to be writen to the stick by Tails.
Is this so or is the "EFI GPT partition table detected" misleading?

> > The third stick gave no problems and I could install Tails on it.
> For future support requests such as this one, please use our support
> mailing-list:
> and read our bug reporting guidelines:

Yes, ok, thank you!

> Thanks!
> Cheers,
