Re: [Tails-dev] Impossible to install some packages on Tails…

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Auteur: intrigeri
Date: 2013-09-06 17:46 -000
À: The Tails public development discussion list
Nouveaux-sujets: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge bugfix/fix_packages_impossible_to_install [was: Impossible to install some packages on Tails through plain apt]
Sujet: Re: [Tails-dev] Impossible to install some packages on Tails through plain apt
sajolida@??? wrote (06 Sep 2013 17:25:55 GMT) :
>>> - Review this list of packages on an ad-hoc basis.
>> I don't get what would be the goal of this review.

> We could decide to keep part of that optimization and keep some packages
> as -1 if we believe there is no good reason to install them in Tails.

Ah, sure. 100% agreed!

>>> I'm ready to propose a branch to implement any of those options.

> I'll do that.


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