Re: [Tails-dev] Doc : explain why Tor is slow

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Autor: sajolida
Data: 2013-08-12 07:00 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Doc : explain why Tor is slow
On 11/08/13 23:10, Vigdis wrote:
> Hi,
> First post on the list \o/

Welcome aboard!

> I'd like to help in writing documentation (I've already been given a lot
> of link about how to do it, don't worry).
> This ticket seems to be a good start :


>> The best way to start writing those things would be to come
>> up with a sketch of headlines, important points, structure, placement
>> for the doc, etc. and send it to Tails-dev.
> headlines, important points, structure :
> - explication about Tor circuits
> -- 3 hops
> //maybe we can merge it with the next one :
> - geographic size of the circuit -> latency
> -- Tor takes nodes in different countries

> - multiple round trip
> -- Tor is TCP and TCP is three way handshake but Optimistic Data is
> coming, waiting for 0.2.4 to be stable

I'd not go into so much details. We try to require the less technical
knowledge possible for people to understand our documentation.

> -- Nodes are hosted on adsl which add more latency than servers in
> datacenter/on FTTH

I'd also explain that the network is run by volunteers in a
decentralized way, so all nodes are not of the same quality.

> - Tor lacks capacity
> /** I took this from this from
> I don't know if it's still actuall **/
> -- Help non profit like Torservers, Nos oignons, DFRI and so on.

Sure. That goes along the fact that the network is run by volunteers:
everybody can help building a faster Tor network; by running a node or
helping existing nodes.

> - Tor usage
> -- Don't do P2P on Tor, there's I2P instead, and it's even shipped with
> Tails :-)


> placement for the doc :
> it was suggested that it belongs rather to the tpo (
> website but as long as they don't provide the possibility for
> translation, we keep it in the Tails site and once they offer the
> ability, we move it to tpo.


> So where to put it in the wiki ?
> - Doc/General Information (a.k.a about)
> - another new part ?

It'll be fine in there for the moment.

> The 'already existing' "Can I hide the fact that I'm using Tails" and
> the future 'explain why Tails ships Tor' (issue #6018) doesn't have
> (IMHO) their place in the 'about' part of the doc so maybe we can put
> it in the about and once we have the three docs done, create another
> part for them.

Hmm... Until now we put in this parts documents that were not related to
any particular piece of software in Tails and are not technical howtos.
But I'm sure that can be improved. People have told us that the
documentation index is a bit scary and hard to navigate.
What other structure would you propose?