This is a call for translation of the upcoming Tails 0.20 release. The
translation window ends at 12:00 CEST (10:00 UTC), 2013-08-06 (sorry for
the short notice!)
Please translate the following documentation updates in Tails' Git:
- wiki/src/about.*.po
- wiki/src/index.*.po
- wiki/src/doc/about/features.*.po
- wiki/src/doc/anonymous_internet/pidgin.*.po
- wiki/src/doc/first_steps/accessibility.*.po
- wiki/src/doc/first_steps/persistence/configure.*.po
- wiki/src/support/chat.*.po
- wiki/src/support/known_issues.*.po
The documentation translations must be based on the `testing` Git branch.
There's also the "miscellaneous" strings translated in `po/*.po` in
Tails' Git. These translations must also be based on the `testing` Git
branch. [Note: These are the strings used for gpgApplet, the emergency
shutdown applet, etc. In previous releases there were separate po/pot
files for each of these small applications and scripts, but as of this
release they have been merged into one.]
Finally, the Tails USB Installer (the `liveusb-creator` Git repo) also
has some updates that require your attention.
For specifics, see: