[Hackmeeting] Snowden, Aereo del presidente boliviano dirott…

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Auteur: six
Date: 2013-07-03 08:23 -000
À: hackmeeting
Sujet: [Hackmeeting] Snowden, Aereo del presidente boliviano dirottato
Da boingboing [0] :

> Officials in Bolivia say a plane carrying Bolivian President Evo
> Morales was rerouted to Austria when France and Portugal refused to
> allow it into their airspace over concerns NSA leaker Edward Snowden
> was on board.

e poi anche l'italia [0][1] :

boingboing [0] :
> [...] Another Bolivian official said later that Italy had also
> refused permission.

reuters [1] :
> However, he said later that France and Portugal had reconsidered and
> had agreed to allow Morales' plane to overfly both countries, but
> Italy and Spain had now refused to allow the plane to enter their air
> space.

[1] http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9610C520130703?irpc=932