[inquieto] Fwd: [CasaOccupata] I: Fault line of Istanbul: Ta…

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Autor: ca_favale_mlist
Data: 2013-06-18 19:38 -000
Para: ca_favale_mlist
Asunto: [inquieto] Fwd: [CasaOccupata] I: Fault line of Istanbul: Taksim
Da altra m_list per socializzazione e copnoscenza. Se qualcuno,
volontariamente e entusiasticamente, conoscendo l'inglese, facesse loo
sforzo di tradurre quantomeno nella sostanza agevolerebbe chi, come me,
è ignorante in materia. Ciau e buone letture (F)

direttamente dai compagni turchi, per chi sa l'inglese o in attesa di

> Insurrection notes from Istanbul
> Actually it was NOT totally unpredictable, just we couldn't understand
> that it is coming. What people of Turkey did until this revolt?
> Students kicked their teacher.
> People knifed - beat the doctor, who doesn't care about their
> relatives,
> loves etc.
> Shot the commander, ran away from military.
> Entered the police station, beat the police officers.
> After the tribunal, did an 'extra tribunal'.
> Women penalized their rapers.
> Commit suicide because of anxiety of exams, credit cart debt.
> **
> Insurrection of indivudals and revolutionary groups finally connected
> in
> Gezi Park Resistance. So we wanted to share strange experiences of this
> social revolt with you.
> * Roads were blocked, baggages and back seats are checked for if the
> car
> carries gas bombs. Because ambulances carry gas bombs checked inside,
> fire
> engines are stoned because they carry water to water cannons,
> extinguishes
> barricades.
> * Identities checked who are suspected to be civil police.
> * CCTV's and cameras are dismantled, damaged.
> * More than 40 incredible barricades are set in a huge area. Pavement
> stones, billboards, traffic signs, rubbish bins etc. everything arround
> are used in barricades.
> * Banks, ATM's, bus stops, billboards are damaged.
> * Police containers and police cars are set on fire or used for the
> benefit of public.
> * Construction machines, buses are damaged and set on fire.
> * Small scale robberies made from supermarkets for the resistance.
> * Media vehicles are damaged.
> * With a captured buldozer, attacked to police water cannons, water
> cannons are kicked out from the street.
> * Young people who are humiliated by the police everyday, gained their
> honour again by stoning and cursing to police.
> * Trucks and buldozers are used for the barricades.
> * Unorganized youth and supporter groups discussed more radical
> struggle
> ways with organizations.
> * Thousands of young people experienced and learned clashes.
> **
> * Countrywide solidarity organized for food, beverage, solution for
> tear
> gas and cigarettes.
> * Drink and food points are set up, from these points free food are
> given.
> * People started to share everything in a crazy way, their choccolate,
> cigarettes, food from their house, food of other people etc.
> * Rubbish are collected together, even the rubbish of cigarettes.
> * In barricades everybody was spraying anti-acid solution to
> eachother's
> eyes.
> * People opened their houses, cafes, shops for protestors who are in a
> difficult situation in clashes.
> * People of the neighbourhoods made noise with pans and cookers to
> support
> the resistance, didn't leave them alone.
> * In every corner food and anti-acid solution boxes are placed.
> * First aid points are set up.
> * Doctors always ran between the barricades during the clashes.
> * Handsellers could work freely in a policeless Taksim.
> * Sex workers, transsexuals, transvestities could work, walk around,
> have
> fun freely.
> * An empty area occupied and converted into a park.
> * Some houses are occupied for living.
> * A small vegatable garden is created.
> * A libary is set up.
> * People read bulletins with a great hunger. They thought the things
> that
> never came to their mind.
> * People fill, effected their streets, habitats with their words,
> sprays,
> flags. Not with billboards, adverts.
> * Instead of going to work or homes with bus - taxi, people walked
> slowly
> slowly under the attack of tear gas, with slogans, cursing. They didn't
> scare and turned back, they liked it continued to walk for kilometers.
> * People determined the agenda, not the powers.
> * No woman is abused and could stay, walk around freely during the
> nights.
> * People spent time with eachother, not with TV or computer.
> * Masses started to critisize and lose their trusts to main stream
> media.
> * Kurdish people danced, had fun with PKK flags, Ocalan posters in Gezi
> Park. Who has nationalist tendencies got used to this, some
> nationalists
> joined the kurdish dance.
> * Middle-class, 'civilized' activists ate the food, shit to the
> container,
> stayed without a shower with street people, street dogs, who always
> lived
> like this. Break of perceptions.
> * And everybody saw, world without police is full of joy.
> **
> " Life is so boring there is nothing to do except spend all our wages
> on
> the latest skirt or shirt.
> Brothers and Sisters, what are your real desires? Sit in the drugstore,
> look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps
> The Angry Brigade

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