[Hackmeeting] list in english?

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Autor: flawer
Data: 2013-06-09 18:07 -000
Para: hackmeeting
Assunto: [Hackmeeting] list in english?
hi peoplez,

i see interesting to create a list for hms just in english. i guess
it's not created since there is not link to it from the /

we could discuss about what to have in the main .org/ page, how to
extend hms to other places, etc.

i prefer some of you creating-admining it, or i could do it myself if
there is silence here about this :D


we are doing some overhaul changes on hacklabs.org, please add your
views/wants for that , now is a very good time for that!. we finally
opened a list in english:


there is not many people in there and objectives are not much settled,
hence is important some of you join there too before doing a more proper
inviting campaign.

ps. ot. at hacklabs list one difference to the hackerspaces.org list we
can add is that it can be moderated, and subscribees just viewable for
admins, etc (keeping public archive). cos we have to make something
friendly of added value to the outstanding hss comunitty, but we have to
discuss this further soon when there will be more quorum there. etc.

ps. personal. i can follow other threads in here, nor be subscribed for
too long, nor i know about discuss on past discussions in this issue,
nor i knew the hm there is happening just now, so nice vibes'
connection!! =)