[inquieto] incontro in Ucraina


著者: ca_favale_mlist
To: ca_favale_mlist
題目: [inquieto] incontro in Ucraina
un prossimo campeggio in Ucraina. probabilmente difficile da raggiungere (inoltre si terrà dal 26 al 30 aprile, un po' vicino nel tempo), ma per farsi un'idea di cosa bolle laggiù.matteo

We, libertarian activists and participants of Antifascist Action Ukraine,
will make a meeting in Kiev from 25 to 30 April 2013 dedicated to the
creation and development of libertarian groups and initiatives. The
purpose of the event is to share the experience of creating and
participating in working groups, projects and informational campaigns.
The program of the meeting:
Day 1 (25.04) – Arrival, accommodation, meeting in an informal setting.
Introduction, the first presentations of groups. Creating and functioning
of the working groups and affinity groups.
Day 2 – Strategy and tactics, goals and priorities in the work of
anti-authoritarian groups. Presentations of groups
Day 3 – Group dynamics, overcoming hierarchy. Presentations of groups
Day 4 – Consensus decision making process. Presentations of groups
Day 5 – Holding meetings. Facilitating. Presentations of groups
Day 6 (30.04) – Organizing and conducting successful campaigns
Day 7 (01.05) – Evaluation. Departure
List of questions to participants:
1. Your name (or nickname). Are you representing any collective? Would
you like to make a presentation about it?
2. Who can vouch for you?
3. What country are you from? Are Russian and / or English convenient to
you as working languages for the meeting? Can you make rus-engl/engl-rus
translation for some of the training sessions / presentations?
4. Do you plan to stay for the duration of the event?
5. What workshops / training from the offered you wanted and could make
or (co-)facilitate?
6. Do you have any special requirements for accommodation and food?
7. Do you have an opportunity to pay your fare?
8. Can you partially recover the costs for accommodation and food?
9. What are your expectations?
For active and effective participation in trainings and discussions, the
meeting will be alcohol free zone.
Update for a program of a meeting which will take place in Kiev (Ukraine)
on April 25-30:
- we remind you that to go to Ukraine you don’t need visa (or invitation).
You only need to have a passport, you will be asked to show on the border
(for CIS citizens – internal or foreign)
- deadline extended until March, 31 ( e-mail to send applications:
- all the food will be vegan) (local FFA collective will cook for us). We
found a nice place, that gives an opportunity to live all together during
the week. (no need to take sleeping bags). There is no exact price for
accomodation, but donations will be appreciated.
-The program is not finished. We left some open space every day. If there
any topics you would like to drop in let us know (see questions 1,5 in an
application form)
- on April, 30 the concert will take place:
1. Ilinx (http://ilinx.bandcamp.com/) Lviv-Kopenhagen
2. Zdrada Palki (http://zdradapalki.bandcamp.com/) Wroclaw
3. Miraz (http://www.myspace.com/mirazgirls) Warsaw-Lublin
+ presentations and workshops, which were already proposed by participants:
1) eco-anarchism (on example of Anti-Browncoal Resistance and Occupation
of Hambacher Forst – Germany;
2) “Под черным солнцем анархии” (under the black Sun of anarchy) –
eco-anarchist group + DIY zine – presentation – Ukraine;
3) (Е).Д.(А). – vegan cooking collective – presentation – Ukraine;
4) Автономный Союз Трудящихся (autonomous trade union) – presentation –
5) Organization of a “destructive” protest (АСТ – autonomous trade union)
– Ukraine;
6) “Вільна Школа” (Free school – self-educational project) – presentation
– Ukraine;
7) Independant student union “Direct action” – presentation – Ukraine;
8) “Good night macho pride” (anarcha-feminist collective) – presentation
– Ukraine;
9) Security of informal groups or/and organizations on example of
repressions in Belarus – Belarus.
10) “Автономное Действие” (Autonomous Action, Nizhnij Novgorod) –
presentation – Russia;
11) Situation in Nizhnij Novgorod. Repressions – report – Russia;
12) “Anarchy and economical communication: meaning and meaninglessness of
money, the question of alternative” – discussion – Russia;
13) Activism and social work with Roma people in Ostarve – presentation?
– Czech Republic;
14) Squatting in Czech (for last 5 yaers) – report – Czech Republic;
15) “Kikimora” (anarcho-feminist, queer group) – presentation – Poland;
16) “Q Alternatywa” (anarcho-queer group) – presentation – Poland;
17) Tendencies in the antifascist football support of Ukraine – report –